Thursday, April 12, 2012


We just SOLD our house yesterday and we are thrilled. We have to still wait for the conditions of financing and inspection to go through, but we are pretty excited. We got what we were hoping for and it happened quicker than we had thought and the date of possession is quicker than we thought we'd get so it worked out really well. We feel very blessed, and now we just need to find our next project!

I put up the Realtor pictures since he has a wide angle lens... mine doesn't do too well in small spaces so I wanted to document these.

Monday, April 2, 2012

21st Street Sneak Peak

So I know last post I said we were hoping to finish up in a week or two. Unfortunately we hit a little snag and our cabinet guy only started the job then kept saying he would be back next week, and then the next week etc.
Well we finally had to give up on him and Jeff had to work some magic (and some LONG hours) to get it finished off.
I guess the house was going too smoothly and we were bound to have some problem... anyways, we are now FINISHED and it went up for sale Sunday.
We are very excited and it looks really good. Here's a sneak peak and I'll work on getting the before and after all ready to post.